Slash and slay in style when Bayonetta 3 releases on the Nintendo Witch Switch on 28 October later this year! Check out the meaty gameplay trailer here:
The trailer introduces Bayonetta’s new demon channeling ability, Demon Masquerade, and a new ally Viola.
Developer Platinum Games also highlighted the “Naive Angel Mode,” which you can activate to make the game more…. family friendly.

A thoughtful feature but I personally will want to enjoy all the goodness the game can bring heh.
Trinity Masquerade Edition Unveiled
There is also going to be a special edition of Bayonetta 3 featuring a 200-page artbook, as well as three special game sleeves which combine to form a panoramic artwork!

For those who didn’t get around to playing the original Bayonetta, the game is also getting a physical release on 30 September. Otherwise, Bayonetta 3 is now available for pre-order until its 28 October launch date, just in time for Halloween!

Queen of puns. May or may not be obsessed with Retrogaming, ARPGs & MMOs. Played too much WoW at one point. Collects Final Fantasy physical games. Can’t stay still to EDM.
(PS: Yes, this is my *real writer profile. Anywhere else is an impasta)