NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is celebrating its 1 Year Anniversary with a new song “From The Ashes” by JJ Lin!
Gotta say, the song is pretty fire! Check out the official music video here:
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is an up to 60-player PVP mythical action combat experience with martial arts inspired melee combat, gravity defying mobility, vast arsenals of melee & ranged weapons, legendary customizable heroes with epic abilities – inspired by the legends of the Far East.
To commemorate the occasion, the game is also having a Free Trial Weekend from now to 22 August, so if you have not gotten around to trying out the game, this will be a good time to give it a go!
There is also a new map “Holorath” for players to battle it out on, and the game is having a 50% discount on all platforms.

Queen of puns. May or may not be obsessed with Retrogaming, ARPGs & MMOs. Played too much WoW at one point. Collects Final Fantasy physical games. Can’t stay still to EDM.
(PS: Yes, this is my *real writer profile. Anywhere else is an impasta)